Card image cap


建筑及空间设计 写实 建筑物 主体加强 建筑设计
2024-04-26 01:44
正向提示词 Prompt

Real estate photography style Modern architecture, office building, curved facade, glass and steel structure, high-rise towers, urban landscape, clear sky, dusk, warm lighting, street view, motion blur traffic, reflective windows, cylindrical design, landscaping, cityscape, contemporary style, architectural photography, facade cladding materials, integrated environment, vertical lines, horizontal traffic streaks, architectural form, shadows cast by setting sun, mixed-use development. . Professional, inviting, well-lit, high-resolution, property-focused, commercial, highly detailed

反向提示词 Negative prompt

dark, blurry, unappealing, noisy, unprofessional, over sharpening,dirt,bad color matching,graying,wrong perspective,NSFW,(worst quality:2),(low quality:2),(normal quality:2),lowres,(monochrome),(grayscale),blurry,signature,drawing,sketch,text,word,logo,cropped,out of frame,ugly,deformed,noisy,blurry,distorted,grainy,painting,crayon,graphite,impressionist,soft,deformed,(blue long upper shan:1.3),(lightcyan:1.3),

图片尺寸 Size 采样方法 Sampler
1024x1360 DPM++ 3M SDE Karras
迭代步数 Steps 提示词引导系数 CFG
30 5.0
模型 Model 随机种子 Seed
wawa_v0.3-XL大模型 3242802946
生成信息 Generate TEXT2IMG 一键复制
prompt :
Real estate photography style Modern architecture, office building, curved facade, glass and steel structure, high-rise towers, urban landscape, clear sky, dusk, warm lighting, street view, motion blur traffic, reflective windows, cylindrical design, landscaping, cityscape, contemporary style, architectural photography, facade cladding materials, integrated environment, vertical lines, horizontal traffic streaks, architectural form, shadows cast by setting sun, mixed-use development. . Professional, inviting, well-lit, high-resolution, property-focused, commercial, highly detailed
Negative prompt :
dark, blurry, unappealing, noisy, unprofessional, over sharpening,dirt,bad color matching,graying,wrong perspective,NSFW,(worst quality:2),(low quality:2),(normal quality:2),lowres,(monochrome),(grayscale),blurry,signature,drawing,sketch,text,word,logo,cropped,out of frame,ugly,deformed,noisy,blurry,distorted,grainy,painting,crayon,graphite,impressionist,soft,deformed,(blue long upper shan:1.3),(lightcyan:1.3),
Steps :
Sampler :
DPM++ 3M SDE Karras
CFG scale :
Seed :
FreeU Stages :
"[{\"backbone_factor\": 1.1, \"skip_factor\": 0.6}, {\"backbone_factor\": 1.2, \"skip_factor\": 0.4}]", FreeU Schedule: "0.0, 0.5, 0.0", FreeU Version: 2, ControlNet 0: "Module: ip-adapter_clip_h, Model: ip-adapter-plus_sdxl_vit-h [f1f19f7d], Weight: 0.5, Resize Mode: Crop and Resize, Low Vram: False, Processor Res: 512, Guidance Start: 0, Guidance End: 0.5, Pixel Perfect: False, Control Mode: Balanced, Hr Option: Both, Save Detected Map: True"
Size :
Model hash :
Model :
Clip skip :
Style Selector Enabled :
Style Selector Randomize :
Style Selector Style :
Real Estate
Downcast alphas_cumprod :
Version :
AI模型分享社区,基于Stable Diffusion潜在扩散的机器学习模型。