Card image cap


建筑及空间设计 写实 建筑物 主体加强 建筑设计
2024-04-26 01:44
正向提示词 Prompt

Real estate photography style The main screen displays a modern commercial building. Modern architecture, glass facade, curved design elements, multi-story structure, street-level retail, pedestrians, urban environment, dusk lighting, clear weather, reflective surfaces, horizontal and vertical lines, minimalist aesthetic, symmetry, large windows, cityscape, storefront display, luxury branding, road intersection, crosswalk. . Professional, inviting, well-lit, high-resolution, property-focused, commercial, highly detailed

反向提示词 Negative prompt

dark, blurry, unappealing, noisy, unprofessional, over sharpening,dirt,bad color matching,graying,wrong perspective,NSFW,(worst quality:2),(low quality:2),(normal quality:2),lowres,(monochrome),(grayscale),blurry,signature,drawing,sketch,text,word,logo,cropped,out of frame,ugly,deformed,noisy,blurry,distorted,grainy,painting,crayon,graphite,impressionist,soft,deformed,(blue long upper shan:1.3),(lightcyan:1.3),

图片尺寸 Size 采样方法 Sampler
1024x1360 DPM++ 3M SDE Karras
迭代步数 Steps 提示词引导系数 CFG
30 5.0
模型 Model 随机种子 Seed
wawa_v0.3-XL大模型 4053298602
生成信息 Generate TEXT2IMG 一键复制
prompt :
Real estate photography style The main screen displays a modern commercial building. Modern architecture, glass facade, curved design elements, multi-story structure, street-level retail, pedestrians, urban environment, dusk lighting, clear weather, reflective surfaces, horizontal and vertical lines, minimalist aesthetic, symmetry, large windows, cityscape, storefront display, luxury branding, road intersection, crosswalk. . Professional, inviting, well-lit, high-resolution, property-focused, commercial, highly detailed
Negative prompt :
dark, blurry, unappealing, noisy, unprofessional, over sharpening,dirt,bad color matching,graying,wrong perspective,NSFW,(worst quality:2),(low quality:2),(normal quality:2),lowres,(monochrome),(grayscale),blurry,signature,drawing,sketch,text,word,logo,cropped,out of frame,ugly,deformed,noisy,blurry,distorted,grainy,painting,crayon,graphite,impressionist,soft,deformed,(blue long upper shan:1.3),(lightcyan:1.3),
Steps :
Sampler :
DPM++ 3M SDE Karras
CFG scale :
Seed :
FreeU Stages :
"[{\"backbone_factor\": 1.1, \"skip_factor\": 0.6}, {\"backbone_factor\": 1.2, \"skip_factor\": 0.4}]", FreeU Schedule: "0.0, 0.5, 0.0", FreeU Version: 2, ControlNet 0: "Module: ip-adapter_clip_h, Model: ip-adapter-plus_sdxl_vit-h [f1f19f7d], Weight: 0.5, Resize Mode: Crop and Resize, Low Vram: False, Processor Res: 512, Guidance Start: 0, Guidance End: 0.5, Pixel Perfect: False, Control Mode: Balanced, Hr Option: Both, Save Detected Map: True"
Size :
Model hash :
Model :
Clip skip :
Style Selector Enabled :
Style Selector Randomize :
Style Selector Style :
Real Estate
Downcast alphas_cumprod :
Version :
AI模型分享社区,基于Stable Diffusion潜在扩散的机器学习模型。