
摄影 写实 汽车交通 主体加强 产品摄影 汽车交通

Consider using DPM++ 3M SDE Exponential for this model, I personally like it best for a wide range of styles. Make sure to read the prompt advice further on in this section if you want to create photorealistic images as well as some of the sample images.

For anyone wondering - I will not be supporting SDXL Turbo due to its changed licensing structure and lower top-end regarding quality.

Due to messages questioning whether results match the prompts given, I will no longer provide the prompt, both due to limitations on CivitAI's end in providing the full workflow (and spending hours doing it manually), as well as not willing to provide my entire custom ComfyUI workflow. If you need or like help reaching similar results, feel free to join my discord and I'll help you out.

This model will always remain publicly available for download. It is important to note in this scene that full exclusivity will never be considered. If you have any commercial proposals or are interested in engaging in commercial activities beyond simply selling images created with the model, I encourage you to contact me through Discord. I am open to further discussions and exploring potential collaborations in these areas.


A model line that should be a continuance of the ZavyMix SD1.5 model for SDXL. The primary focus is to get a similar feeling in style and uniqueness that model had, where it's good at merging magic with realism, really merging them together seamlessly. Of course with the evolution to SDXL this model should have better quality and coherance for a lot of things, including the eyes and teeth than the SD1.5 models. This model has no need to use the refiner for great results, in fact it usually is preferable to not use the refiner. Recommended to use ultimate SD upscaler to get the most amazing results.

Continue reading for more information and some tips and tricks.

I kindly request that you share your creations both here and on my Discord server, as I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to see them and motivate me to spend more time in further ventures here.

Pros and cons


  • Much better saturation than base model.
  • Much better teeth, eyes, hands and feet.
  • Increased realism.
  • Less blurry edges but still keeps a certain pleasing softness to the image.
  • Better looking people.
  • Great texture and tonality.


  • NSFW much better than base, but still somewhat lacking without LORAs.


  1. Training the SDXL model continuously.
  2. Pioneering uncharted LORA subjects (withholding specifics to prevent preemption).


  • To better understand the preferences of the model, individuals are encouraged to utilise the provided prompts as a foundation and then customise, modify, or expand upon them according to their desired objectives.
  • Ditch the refiner, an img2img ultimate SD upscaler gets better results when you select this model for it.
  • Consider using face restoration techniques when the result for the face is subpar, but the rest of the image is interesting.
  • If you find that the details in your work are lacking, consider using wowifier if you’re unable to fix it with prompt alone. wowifier or similar tools can enhance and enrich the level of detail, resulting in a more compelling output.
  • ComfyUI is the UI I use for my SDXL images.
  • Your 1.5 LORAs won't work in SDXL.
  • Consider finding new prompts, don't use the standard 1.5 ones. SDXL likes a combination of a natural sentence with some keywords added behind.
  • To maintain optimal results and avoid excessive duplication of subjects, limit the generated image size to a maximum of 1024x1024 pixels or 640x1536 (or vice versa). If you require higher resolutions, it is recommended to utilise the Hires fix, followed by the img2img upscale technique, with particular emphasis on the controlnet tile upscale method. This approach will help you achieve superior results when aiming for higher resolution outputs. However, as this workflow doesn't work with SDXL yet, you may want to use an SD1.5 model for the img2img step.


Recommended positive prompts for specifically photorealism: 2000s vintage RAW photo, photorealistic, film grain, candid camera, color graded cinematic, eye catchlights, atmospheric lighting, macro shot, skin pores, imperfections, natural, shallow dof, or other photography related tokens.

Recommended negative prompts: As few negative prompts as you can, only use it when it does something you do not want, like watermarks.

You are further encouraged to include additional specific details regarding the desired output. This should involve specifying the preferred style, camera angle, lighting techniques, poses, color schemes, and other relevant factors.

Recommended settings

  • sdxl_vae.safetensors (baked in).
  • DPM++ 3M SDE Exponential, DPM++ 2M SDE Karras, DPM++ 2M Karras, Euler A
  • Steps 20~40 (lower range for DPM, higher range for Euler).
  • Hires upscaler: UltraMix_Balanced.
  • Hires upscale: Whatever maximum your GPU is capable of, but preferably between 1.5x~2x.
  • CFG scale 2-12

Model recipe

Trained from SDXL 1.0.

Social media

You are welcome to join my recently created Discord server, where we can engage in discussions, share our experiences in AI, and showcase the things we’ve made with AI. You are encouraged to join and ask any questions or seek additional tips and tricks related to my models or AI in general. Your participation would be greatly appreciated. Furthermore, I will be releasing early testing versions of my models on Discord eventually. If you are interested in being among the first to try them out, I invite you to join the Discord server.



基础算法:基础算法 XL
文件格式: safetensors
最近更新:2024-02-20 15:19
转载来源: liblib
转载说明: 该模型及相关图片信息可能涉及来源于其他开源社区或由用户自行上传发布,非原创作者,如需商业使用请联系原作者。
免责声明: 您基于本模型服务生成的文本内容由您自行维护并对其独立判断后使用,您需在遵守适用法律法规和本服务条款的条件下使用,基于本服务生成内容产生的任何知识产权问题由您自行处理,您需对生成内容负责,本网站对由此造成的任何损失不负责任。除法律法规另有规定外。
版权说明: 本网站部分素材、模型、图片等信息基于用户自行上传和分享,此资源来源于网络,如涉及版权问题,请及时与本网站联系,如需删除收到通知响应后,会在处理后下架删除。

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AI模型分享社区,基于Stable Diffusion潜在扩散的机器学习模型。