Card image cap


动漫游戏 幻想 男生 动物 画风加强 动漫画风
2024-03-06 15:44
正向提示词 Prompt

Natural Order Style, back view of a man surrounded by glowing Chinese texts, glowing Chinese scrolls in the sky, glowing Chinese charm, particle effects, inside a Chinese building, highly detailed, ultra-high resolutions, 32K UHD, best quality, masterpiece,

反向提示词 Negative prompt

Bad quality, worst quality, normal quality, low-res, sketch, poor design, deformed, disfigured, soft, bad composition, simple design, boring, watermark, text, error, cropped, blurry

图片尺寸 Size 采样方法 Sampler
736x1304 DPM++ 2M Karras
迭代步数 Steps 提示词引导系数 CFG
30 6.0
模型 Model 随机种子 Seed
筑梦工业 | 道法自然XL 2487441181
生成信息 Generate TEXT2IMG 一键复制
prompt :
Natural Order Style, back view of a man surrounded by glowing Chinese texts, glowing Chinese scrolls in the sky, glowing Chinese charm, particle effects, inside a Chinese building, highly detailed, ultra-high resolutions, 32K UHD, best quality, masterpiece,<lora:Natural Order XL:1>
Negative prompt :
Bad quality, worst quality, normal quality, low-res, sketch, poor design, deformed, disfigured, soft, bad composition, simple design, boring, watermark, text, error, cropped, blurry
Steps :
Sampler :
DPM++ 2M Karras
CFG scale :
Seed :
Lora hashes :
"Natural Order XL: 65e91eb68f3d"
Size :
Model hash :
Model :
Dream Tech XL V3
Denoising strength :
Version :
AI模型分享社区,基于Stable Diffusion潜在扩散的机器学习模型。