
插画 中国风 经典绘画风 动物 风景 画风加强 艺术插画 潮计划·国潮










采样器:DPM++ 2M Karras




(worst quality:1.2), (low quality:1.4),,(负面-01-Unspeakable-Horrors-Composition-4v-无法形容的恐怖:1.5) (负面-05-bad_prompt-完整版较修手推荐:1.3) (负面-03-badhandv4-万能修手:1.4),fat, error, unnatural lighting, abnormal human body proportions, abnormal chest proportions, abnormal palm proportions, abnormal finger proportions, abnormal foot proportions, shoe proportions problems, abnormal finger length proportions, abnormal arm proportion, abnormal thigh proportion, abnormal hand proportion, abnormal body proportion, abnormal shoe proportion, impossible composition, impossible human structure, impossible hand impossible, impossible finger, abnormal hand orientation, abnormal hand joint, abnormal finger number, abnormal finger curvature, abnormal leg position, abnormal posture, abnormal lower body position, missing limb, multiple limb, redundant limb, dislocation, missing key body parts, wrong limb position, abnormal body structure, poor body detail, limb fusion, limb overlap, eye asymmetry, low eye quality, strabismus, low eye detail quality, poor hand, malformed hand, problematic hand (hand and finger changes :1.8), low quality hand, Distorted hand, missing hand tissue, three hands, four hands, hand pronation, one hand, blurred hand, fused fingers, very thin fingers, more than 5 fingers on one hand, less than 5 fingers on one hand, more than normal number of fingers, more than 5 fingers, fingers stuck together, 6 fingers, low quality, poor feet, missing leg, missing calf, thick thigh, Tight thigh muscles, feet with more than 2 legs, foot deformity (3 legs :1.8), leg, leg dislocation, foot pronation, three feet, one foot, foot orientation problems, legs many, shoes defective, shoes inferior, shoes normal, shoes twisted, shoes abnormal, holding posture abnormal, hand it refers to abnormal bending posture, lifting skirt hem, movements not consistent with the human body, repetition, degeneration, bad anatomy, bad hands, few numbers, many numbers, colored pupils, missing arms, missing fingers,

AI Model Detail

Model Type:LORA
Basic Type:基础算法 v1.5
Trigger Word:
File format: safetensors
Last Update Time:2024-02-10 01:23
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Original by the author:
Reproduction source: liblib
Reprint instructions: The model and related picture information may come from other open source communities or be uploaded and published by users themselves. THis author not the original author. If you need commercial use, please contact the original author.
Solemnly declare:本模型仅用于练习使用模型,如需商业请与原作者联系获取版权许可等,互联网鼓励用户分享作品,并坚决保护创作者的版权信息,模型、图片、素材资源的版权均为原创作者所有。
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Comments List Comments Total 5

JS 2024-05-10 17:39:16 183.***.**.183

opoo208 2024-04-22 22:56:52 58.**.*.131

1 2024-04-14 11:57:36 42.**.***.67

frankleo5288 2024-04-12 18:19:48 98.***.***.105

非紫 2024-03-28 21:54:17 121.**.***.102
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